3-5 years old
Designed specifically for preschoolers, weekly story sessions and playtime help develop biblical values and character, laying the foundation for their future.

Grades K - 2
Provide enlightenment education for children in elementary school, provide them with basic Bible education, and cultivate their correct self-awareness from the perspective of the Bible.

Grades 3-5
To develop biblical character and build relationships for senior students, helping them grow and perfect their lives as they follow Jesus Christ.
Junior high school students
Help young people build a solid foundation of faith and foster their growth in the Christian faith. Through Bible study, teamwork, and personal growth activities, AWANA Trek aims to foster young people’s understanding of biblical truths, deepen their relationship with God, and demonstrate Christian values and behaviors in their daily lives.

High School Students
They will provide help and guidance in every aspect of the event. This is the best way to cultivate and train their practical and leadership abilities. At the same time, they can also get corresponding volunteer time.
7:00-7:05 | AWANA 开场宣誓 | ———— |
7:05-7:15 | AWANA 诗歌敬拜 | ———— |
7:15-7:40 | Cubbies, Sparks 大课堂 | T&T 小课堂 |
7:40-8:05 | Sparks 小课堂 | T&T 大课堂 |
7:40-8:30 | Cubbies 小课堂和游戏 | * |
8:05-8:30 | Sparks 和 T&T 集体游戏 | * |
8:30-8:45 | AWANA 商店 | ———— |
Tel: +1 786-766-0301
Email: contact@sflcbc.org
Location: 4700 SW 188th Ave, Southwest Ranches, FL, 33332